Blue_ball_bustah by ScottDickson
  1. ScottDickson's Gallery
  2. Ball BustersBall Busters
  3. Blue_ball_bustahBlue_ball_bustah

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Item information:

Blue_ball_bustah (Christmas ball dropped onto granite surface.

- Triggered with Stop shot unit using sound trigger.
- 3 - SB-800 flashes used, left , right and behind (under table).
- Surface is granite piece salvaged from thrift store. 
- Backdrop is a used shower curtain (its water resistant!).)
Blue_Crash (Christmas ball with blue water against a plexiglass surface -- guess who won?

Ball was swung into the plexi surface which was oriented vertically. Image was rotated in Picasa. 

- Quaketronics sound trigger.
- 2 - SB-800 flash units.)
Ball_vs_Dollar (Hopefully Christmas didn't break your bank!

Christmas ball with green colored water smashed against up-right dollar some magic...

- Quaketronics sound trigger
- 2 - SB-800 flash units. One was reflected off a foam board surface. The second was pointed near the back.)
Blue_Defeat (High speed photo of two water filled Christmas ornaments colliding.

Used a blue and pearl colored ornaments -- blue won!

- Used Quaketronics sound trigger.
- Two SB-800 set to 1/16th and bounced off foamboard.
- Balls were tied to a rig using fishing line. One was swung into the other.)
Ball_Busters (High speed photo of two water filled Christmas ornaments colliding.

In this case, both shattered. You can also see some shots from my rig in the reflection (as well as me standing between the flashes).

- Used Quaketronics sound trigger.
- Two SB-800 set to 1/16th and bounced off foamboard.
- Balls were tied to a rig using fishing line. One was swung into the other.)

Audio Mute
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